Allergen Program

       Allergy is an unusual sensitivity of the body to the effects of certain environmental factors. These factors are called allergens.

            Today, allergic diseases are widespread in the world and tend to increase. So, in some countries up to 10% of the population suffer from various allergic diseases.

            Allergens entering the body from the external environment can be divided into groups՝

            1. Biological allergens: bacteria, viruses, fungi.

            2․ Pharmaceutical allergens

            3. Household allergens

            4. Production's allergens

            5. Food allergens

            Food allergies deserve special attention
            Food allergy is a manifestation of a person's ultra-high sensitivity to safe food or food ingredients, an immune reaction to proteins present in food that the body mistakenly considers dangerous.

            Allergy symptoms can include swelling of the lips, tongue and eyelids, dizziness, rash and dermatitis and in the worst case can lead to anaphylactic shock and subsequent death.

            At the same time, if in this case the immune system is not involved in the process, then it is not an allergy, but the unacceptability of food. A real food allergy is very rare. The main cause of food allergies is heredity. In children, allergies manifest themselves in the first years of life, for example, in relation to egg whites. Mature people who believe they have a food allergy actually have a situation that experts call a "false food allergy." In this case, although the symptoms are very similar, the effects are much milder.

            Substances containing an allergen are often added to food as an ingredient. In this case, manufacturers are aware of the allergy of this component and can warn the consumer by labeling such a product accordingly. In this case, the most problematic are the cross-contamination of so-called allergens. This can happen, for example, when raw materials containing an allergen are stored together with raw materials that do not contain an allergen. In addition, allergen transfer is possible when using the same equipment. Insufficient cleaning can also contribute to the transport of allergens, through the liquid used for drying. The cause of contamination may even be production personnel.

It is for this reason that it is necessary to develop and use an allergen program in production.      The implementation of this program will guarantee the safety and protection of consumers, including by preventing cross-contamination.

            Legislative bodies of various countries, including the Eurasian Economic Union, have taken measures to label the presence of allergen-containing substances in food products. The specified requirements are given in the following documents:

          In the TR CU 022/2011 "About foodstuff labeling"

          European Parliament and Council 2007/68/EU Regulation

          European Parliament and Council 2000/13/EU Regulation

           The mandatory implementation of the allergens program is also provided for by the requirements of the food safety management system.

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