Technological instructions


      Technological instructions and their constituent components are considered to be additional documentation of standards and/or technical specifications that establish general requirements for a group of homogeneous food products.

      Technological instructions and components should not repeat the requirements of standards or specifications adopted in accordance with the established procedure, but should only clarify them.

      Indicators, norms, characteristics, technological procedures (modes) and the procedure for performing technological processes established by technological instructions and components should not contradict the requirements established by regulatory legal acts and (or) regulatory documents on standardization of this food product and raw materials, materials, containers and packaging materials used in the process of its production.

      In the presence of regulatory documents on standardization of individual food products, a food component is included in the technological instruction with the determination of the cost rates for raw materials and materials.

    Technological instructions are developed for the production process or its specific stages in order to organize the production and ensure the release of food products and are approved by the manufacturer.

      To organize the production of new food products in order to clarify the quality indicators or experimental technological processes of a trial batch of food products, temporary technological instructions are developed for a period of no more than one year of validity or for a certain batch of food products.

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